The bureaucratic mechanism of the country deals with document processing. To process a document, an employee must work for some hours, the number of which is known in advance. As a result, another document is created.
We have recorded all the types of documents that exist in the country and have numbered them from to
Some of these documents, whose number is
, we call "initial", and we consider that we have them at our disposal from the beginning.
Some documents, whose number is
, we call "final", and our goal is to create them.
Note that it is possible for a document to be both initial and final, or neither initial nor final.
Each employee works for at most hours per day and is paid with a gold coin for their work.
During the day, they process exactly one document, provided that the processing time does not exceed
This means that no document processing requiring more than
hours can be done.
This explains why some things "get lost in bureaucracy"!
The supervisor selects employees and assigns each of them to create one of the
final documents (specific and different).
Each employee starts from an initial document of their choice. (Assume there is an unlimited supply of initial documents and that more employees can start from the same initial document.)
If the employee is lucky, their assigned document is the same as the final document, so they don't need to do anything and won't work any day or get paid any gold coins. Otherwise, the employee will need one or more days to create the final document assigned to them, doing suitable processing each day
They discard any intermediate documents they may create along the way, regardless of whether they are final and assigned to other colleagues who could find them useful!
Employees naturally want to work as few hours as possible per day. So if each of them makes the best possible choices of documents for processing, find the minimum possible value of
that is sufficient to create all final documents.
Also, for the minimum value of
, find the number
of gold coins that will need to be paid to the employees collectively (i.e., the total number of days they will work).
Assume that all final documents can be created using the described process, provided that the value of is sufficiently large.
Develop a program in one of the following languages: PASCAL, C, C++, JAVA, which will read the data of the documents and will print the requested values of and
For your submissions to DMOJ, use STDIN and STDOUT. The input and output format will be as described below.
Input Files
The input file named bureaucracy.in is a text file with the following structure.
The first line of the input contains four integers ,
, and
, separated in pairs by a single space:
is the total number of documents,
is the number of initial documents,
is the number of final documents, and
is the number of different possible document processing operations.
The second line of the input will contain
integers, separated in pairs by a single space: the numbers of the initial documents.
Similarly, the third line will contain
integers: the numbers of the final documents.
Each of the next
lines will contain three integers
, and
, separated in pairs by a single space, describing a possible document processing operation: document
is derived from document
, and this processing requires
Output Files
The output file named bureaucracy.out is a text file with a single line, which should contain two integers, and
, separated by a single space:
should be the minimum value of work hours per day required to create all final documents, and
should be the minimum number of gold coins that will need to be spent for this value of
Examples of Input - Output Files:
7 2 4 9
1 3
4 7 3 6
1 2 2
3 7 3
2 4 3
4 5 1
4 2 2
5 7 2
3 6 4
5 6 1
1 7 5
3 7
Explanation of the example: There are types of documents, numbered from
are initial.
, and
are final.
Note that document
is both initial and final, so the employee assigned to it does not need to do anything.
By choosing working hours per day, the employee assigned to create the final document
can start from 1 and follow the path
, working a total of 2 days. The employee assigned to create the final document 6 can also start from 1 and follow the path
, working a total of 4 days. Finally, the employee assigned to create the final document 7 can start from 3 and follow the path
, working only 1 day. Thus, creating all final documents will cost a total of
gold coins.
With a smaller value of , for example,
, only the final document 3 can be produced.
- In the output, all lines must terminate with a
character. - Time Limit:
Maximum Available Memory:
For test cases with a total value of
- For test cases with a total value of
- For test cases with a total value of
Note: Ensure efficient input reading and output printing, especially if you're translating into C++ or Java.