PDP-27 (2015) - Camp common - 3 (maxdiff)

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Points: 30 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 1M

Problem type
Allowed languages
C, C++, Java, Pascal, Python


You are given a sequence of N natural numbers: a_1, a_2, ..., a_N. The maximum value of the difference a_i - a_j is requested, where a_i and a_j are two terms of the sequence and i < j.


The program reads data from the text file "maxdiff.in". The first line contains an integer N, which is the number of terms in the sequence. The second line contains the N natural numbers a_1, a_2, ..., a_N separated in pairs by spaces.


The result must be printed to the text file "maxdiff.out". Only one line should be printed containing a natural number: the maximum value of the difference a_i - a_j, where a_i and a_j are terms of the sequence and i < j.


1 \le N \le 1.000.000

Time limit: 1 sec.
Maximum Available Memory: 1 MB.

Example of Input - Output

STDIN (maxdiff.in)

3 12 3 0 28 9 13 4 23 7

STDOUT (maxdiff.out)



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