PDP-27 (2015) - Camp common - 2 (metoxes)

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Points: 30 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem types
Allowed languages
C, C++, Java, Pascal, Python


A stock exchange company wants to evaluate a trading practice known as the K-hits strategy.

We are given the prices p_1, p_2, ..., p_N of a stock for a period of N days. The company intends to buy and sell this stock at most M times during this period. Let's assume that there will be K \le M transactions, and in the i-th transaction, the company will buy the stock on day b_i and sell it on day s_i. The time intervals [b_i, s_i] do not overlap, meaning: 1 \le b_1 < s_1 < b_2 < s_2 < ... < b_K < s_K \le N. The total profit X of the company from all transactions is obviously:

\displaystyle X = \sum_{i=1}^K \left(p_{s_i}-p_{b_i}\right)

The company wants to find out how many transactions it should make and when, in order to maximize the profit X. In other words, it wants to determine the value of K and the boundaries of the intervals [b_i, s_i].


The first line of input will contain two natural numbers N and M: the number of days and the maximum number of transactions. The second line of input will contain N integers p_i, separated in pairs by a single space: the stock prices.


The output should consist of a single line containing exactly one natural number: the maximum profit X that can be achieved with at most M transactions.


1 \le N \le 100.000
0 \le M \le 1.000
1 \le p_i \le 10.000
Execution time limit: 1 sec.
Memory limit: 64 MB.

Examples of Input - Output Files:

STDIN (metoxes.in)

10 3
12 12 7 10 15 8 3 4 8 8

STDOUT (metoxes.out)


Explanation of first example: In the first example, the company can achieve the maximum profit by making only 2 transactions:

  • Buying on the 3rd day at the price of 7 and selling on the 5th day at the price of 15.
  • Buying on the 7th day at the price of 3 and selling on the 9th day (or the 10th day) at the price of 8.

Thus, its profit is (15-7) + (8-3) = 13. This is the maximum possible.


STDIN (metoxes.in)

5 2
10 9 8 7 6

STDOUT (metoxes.out)


Explanation of the second example: In the second example, the stock price decreases every day, so the maximum possible profit is zero if no transactions are made.


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