PDP-22 (2010) - Camp seniors - 1 (flowers)

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Points: 30 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem types
Allowed languages
C, C++, Java, Pascal, Python

Damaged Flowers

One day, a farmer left his N cows (2 \le N \le 100.000) to graze in the pasture, as usual. However, when he returned, he found them eating the flowers in his garden! Wanting to minimize the damage from now on, the farmer decided to immediately move each cow back to the barn.

Each cow i is at a position that is T_i minutes away (1 \le T_i \le 2.000.000) from the barn and destroys D_i\;(1 \le D_i \le 100) flowers per minute. No matter how hard he tries, the farmer can only move one cow at a time. Moving cow i requires a total of 2 \cdot T_i minutes (T_i to take the cow to the barn and T_i to return).

The farmer starts from the garden, moves a cow to the barn, returns, and immediately moves the next cow.


Write a program that finds the order in which the farmer must move the cows so that the minimum possible number of flowers are destroyed.


Line 1: contains the integer N.

Lines 2 to N + 1: each contains two integers separated by spaces, T_i and D_i, describing the characteristics of cow i.


Line 1: contains a single number, the minimum number of damaged flowers.

Example of Input - Output Files:

STDIN (flowers.in)

3 1
2 5
2 3
3 2
4 1
1 6

STDOUT (flowers.out)

  • 2 \le N \le 100.000.
  • 1 \le T_i \le 2.000.000.
  • 1 \le D_i \le 100.


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