ENIGMA-0x02 (2024) - A3 (Surprise party)

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Points: 100 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem types
Allowed languages
Blockly, C, C++, Java, Pascal, Python

Surprise Party

Totos and Annoula's friends are impressed by their hard work and decide to relax them by organizing a surprise party. They start writing a list of items needed to make the party as fun as possible, along with a value indicating the importance of each item for the party, i.e., the cost incurred if that item is missing from the party.

The K friends decide to divide the N items from the list among themselves in sequence, so that each friend is responsible for bringing a continuous segment of items. However, recognizing that there's always a chance someone might forget to bring an item-and the more items someone is responsible for, the more likely they are to forget something-the friends want to ensure that the total estimated cost of potential missing items is minimized.

More formally:

You are given positive integers:

  • N, the number of items.
  • K, the number of friends.

You are also given a sequence A consisting of N positive integers A_1, A_2, ..., A_N, which represent the cost of missing each item.

We need to divide the sequence A into K segments such that the sum of the estimated costs of each segment is minimized. The estimated cost of a segment of A, consisting of the (consecutive) positions \{i, i+1, ..., j\} where i \le j, is defined as:

\displaystyle \text{cost}(i, j) = \sum_{w=i}^j A_w \cdot (j - i + 1)

That is, we aim to find the minimum value of the expression:

\displaystyle \text{cost}(1, i_1-1) + \text{cost}(i_1, i_2-1) + \dots + \text{cost}(i_{K-1}, N)

where 1 < i_1 < i_2 < ... < i_{K-1} \le N.

Input Data (STDIN)

The 1st line contains two integers N and K, separated by a space: the number of items and the number of friends, respectively.
The 2nd line contains N integers A_1, A_2, ..., A_N, the cost of missing each item.

Output Data (STDOUT)

The output consists of a single line with one integer: the minimum total estimated cost.


Input (STDIN)

6 3  
11 11 11 24 26 100

Output (STDOUT)


Example Explanation:
The first friend is responsible for the segment with the first three items, with an estimated cost of 11 \cdot 3 + 11 \cdot 3 + 11 \cdot 3 = 99. The second friend is responsible for the next two items, with an estimated cost of 24 \cdot 2 + 26 \cdot 2 = 100. The third friend is responsible for the last item, with an estimated cost of 100 \cdot 1 = 100.

Thus, the total estimated cost is 99 + 100 + 100 = 299, which is the minimum.

  • 1 \le K \le N \le 2000
  • 1 \le A_i \le 10^9
  • 20\% of the points: K = 2
  • 40\% of the points: K \le N \le 250
  • 20\% of the points: A_1 \le A_2 \le ... \le A_N, i.e., the elements of A are sorted in ascending order.
  • 20\% of the points: no additional constraints.


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